Thursdays 3:30 - 4:40
This league already has a set roster. Interested in becoming a SUB?
2025 Season: May 1 - August 21, Ole Buddy is August 24
Position round predicted for August 21
Season League Fees
Fees include 17 weeks of league play and the Ole Buddy. (one week more than last year)
Full season payment to Liberty Hills required by April 15.
Rider, non-Member ($382)
Walker, non-Member ($297)
Member + Cart fees ($134)
Member, Walker ($15) reduced prepaid cart fee for Ole Buddy, all players will ride
Member, w/Annual Cart ($0)
Other Dues Payable to Randy Korn $60.00
2025 Confirmed Roster
Zilles, Earl - Brown, Butch
Allison, Tom - Wilkins, Brad
Vetorino, Mike - Smith Doug
Best, Greg - Limberg, John
Martin. Jeff - LeVan Keith
Maples, Don - Carmin, Ron
Rammel, Adam - Ross, Chad
Olson, Darin - Duff, Scott
Stevenson, Wayne - Robson, Jason
Major, David - Hughes, Kerry
Korn, Randy - Benevides, Robert
Hilliker, Jim - Montgomery, Bill
Caudill, Mike - Fish, Dana
Sullivan, Mike - Buck, Steve
Bailey, Chris - Cooksey, Tom
Eldridge, Mike - Pfeiffer, Mike
League Rules of Play
- White Tees
- Improve your lie in your own fairway only
DOWNLOAD OUR APP (new in 2024): (view results, pairings and everything about your league here)
LIVE SCORING will be done in the app. One person in the group should keep the app scorecard, and the other team should keep the paper scorecard. Please confirm your scores when you finish your round before submitting scores. Once scores are submitted, they are final. It’s each player’s responsibility to confirm their scores were recorded correctly.
Amigo League Players are eligible to play in the LIBERTY CHAMPIONSHIPS!
In Memory of Our Departed Amigos (just off the 9th green)