Thursdays 5:00-6:00
2-player team league
Regular Season May 1 - August 14. Tournament play begins August 21.
Payment for the Season required upon Registration
Registration Closes April 24 or when we reach 48 players (24 teams)
(All fees include $50 dues for prize fund and $10 handicap/admin fee)
17 weeks of play (16 week regular season + first week of tournament)
Teams advancing in tournament play do not owe any additional fees.
Rider, non-Member ($400)
Walker, non-Member ($315)
Member + Cart fees ($179)
Member, Walker ($60)
Member, w/Annual Cart ($60)
League Rules & Format
- Best Ball format will be played with two player teams playing head to head matches. Best Ball is played as each player playing his own ball through the hole. The lowest net score (with handicap) of the two is the “team score” for the hole.
- WHITE tees. (70+ have option to play SILVER and Ladies & 80+ have the option to play RED).
- Improve your lies in your own fairway, play the ball down everywhere else.
- Sub Policy- It's your responsibility to get your own sub. The App has a SUB REQUEST that you can send out to all subs in the league or invite a specific player. When they accept, it automatically plugs them in the match for that week. Please learn and use that system to obtain your sub. We try to print score cards about 2 hours before play, so if it's not in by then, your group scorecard may not be correct.
- During end of regular season tournament play, at least one regular player must be present to compete or the match will be forfeited.
Handicaps & Match Info
This year your handicap will be based on 5 (most recent) scores. It will drop one high and one low score.Your handicap will be based on 5 (most recent) scores. It will drop one high and one low score. If you played last year, we will use your handicap history. If not, you'll get an instantaneous handicap (same as a sub) and it will evolve from there. We will be following the USGA recommended handicap allowance for 2-player match play (aka four-ball) at 90%.
DOWNLOAD OUR APP (2024 version):
LIVE SCORING will be done in the app. One person in the group should keep the app scorecard, and the other team should keep the paper scorecard. Please confirm your scores when you finish your round before submitting scores. Once scores are submitted, they are final. It’s each player’s responsibility to confirm their scores were recorded correctly.
Weekly Optional Skins
There will be a sign up sheet in the front lobby along with printed scorecards. $2 each week. (gross skins)
How Best Ball is Played: The Basics
Two players (partners) play a match against two other players. In a best ball format, each player on a team plays their ball from where it ends up (no "best shot" or picking up and moving the ball to another location). It can be viewed as each player playing a typical round of golf, with their own score for each hole. The team score for each hole is the lowest score by any one player (subtracting any stroke adjustments for handicap.) For example, a team of 2 players score 5 and 5 on a hole. Let's say one of the players gets a handicap adjustment on that hole of 1 stroke. The team score for this hole would be a 4 because the player's score was 5 less 1 stroke adjustment. The team score for each hole is compared with one team winning each hole or "halving" the hole if there is a tie. The team winning the most holes wins the match.
Handicaps are applied beginning on the most difficult holes on the golf course. That is determined on the scorecard where each hole is ranked with 1 being the most difficult and 18 being the easiest ranking. Let's say one player has a 3 handcap and another has a 1 handicap. The 3 handicapper would get a stroke on each of the three most difficult holes and the 1 handicapper would only get a stroke on the most difficult hole. These strokes are subtracted from the players actual score on any given hole to determine their net score for that hole. The lowest net score from one team is compared to the lowest net score from the other team.
Single Elimination Tournament Bracket, begins week 17
FORMAT OF PLAY: We play MATCH PLAY (with handicap) for the tournament which means you need to keep track of the match as you play. The team score for each hole is the lowest score by any one player (subtracting any stroke adjustments for handicap.) For example, a team of 2 players score 5 and 5 on a hole. One of the players gets a handicap adjustment on that hole of 1 stroke. The team score for this hole would be a 4 because the player's score was 5 less 1 stroke adjustment. The team score for each hole is compared with one team winning each hole or "halving" the hole if there is a tie. The team winning the most holes wins the match. Unlike the regular season, you do not need to play all holes. Once the match has been determined, you can suspend play. For example, if team A is ahead by 5 with 4 holes to play, they win 5-4 and the match can be suspended at this time. The app does not support this format of play so we will use printed scorecards so you can see where handicap strokes are applied.
Tailgater League Players are eligible to play in the LIBERTY CHAMPIONSHIPS!