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Tuesday Niners League


 NEW FOR 2025  (this replaces the former Pot Game)

Tuesdays, April 29 - August 26, Tee off between 3:00 - 6:00 pm.

Open to Annual Golf Members or Non-members are invited to play with a 5-Play Niner Card to cover their weekly golf & cart fees (5-Play Niner card offers a reduced fee of $21 saving $4 over reg. rates)

We suggest RESERVING A TEE TIME for your group. Play with group of your choosing. At least one other player in your group must be playing in the league. Your other two players can be in the league or not.

League Fees

Fee to Join League: $20 ($10 toward season prizes & $10 handicap/admin/scoring/software fees) Payable the first week you play

Pay Now & Reserve Your Spot

Weekly Game Fee: $5 (100% paid out after each week's game for weekly point winners and skins)

League Format

Modified Stableford Scoring (Individual Scoring, This is not a team game. You play against the field for any given week)
One of the most fun alternative golf formats is the Stableford scoring system which works by awarding points on each hole based on the player’s performance. The more points you earn, the better you do. The player with the most points, or highest score, is the leader. Instead of counting your total number of strokes for your round, your score on each hole will be converted into Stableford points. While the object of Stableford is to post the highest score possible, you're still trying to get the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes. That’s how you score points.

The more you play, the higher your season totals will be. We will throw out your lowest 3 weeks of the season (lowest point totals) or weeks you miss would count there.

Our league will award points as follows:
Double Eagle = 8 points
Eagle = 6 points
Birdie = 4 points
Par = 3 points
Bogey = 2 points
Double Bogey = 1 point
Triple Bogey & above = 0 points

Season Awards

  • Highest Point Totals for season
  • Ringer Score- (Lowest) player's best score on each hole over the course of a league season

White tees- Men
Silver tees- Men Age 70+
Red tees - Women and Men 80+

Benefits of Stableford Format

  • Stableford can speed up play because you don't have to finish a hole if you can't score a point. In other words, if you can't make net double bogey, pick up and record a net triple (0 points)
  • It's possible to record a competitive score even if you have a bad hole.
  • Our league will be handicapped as well. Golfers of different levels can compete on an equal basis since their handicaps will be figured into each hole. 

You do not need a handicap to participate. Our scoring software will start with your first round.

DOWNLOAD OUR APP (2024 version):

APPLE                   ANDROID/GOOGLE

LIVE SCORING will be done in the app. One person in the group should keep the app scorecard, and the other team should keep the paper scorecard. Please confirm your scores when you finish your round before submitting scores. Once scores are submitted, they are final. It’s each player’s responsibility to confirm their scores were recorded correctly.

Order Food: (937) 565-9028

Liberty Hills Golf Club
665 Road 190 West
Bellefontaine, OH 43311