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PGA Jr League

Introducing PGA Jr League at Liberty Hills!610847ffc2fa67817cb26a23 JRL 4C p 500

 Who Can Play? Come one, come all.

We believe that every child can be a golfer. All skill levels are welcome, and no prior golf experience is required to participate in the program.

Easily one of the best parts of PGA Jr. League is the team component! All kids will be a part of a local team that may consist of anywhere from four or more players.
‍Teams are part of leagues, organized together so that games can be played and local league standings can be kept.

Our leagues will be held entirely at Liberty Hills under PGA Coach Riley Wilcoxon. Our in-house leagues will include multiple teams that practice and play at Liberty Hills each week.

Learn more about PGA Jr. League

PGA Jr League 17u for incoming 9-12 graders

June 3- July 22
Practices Tuesdays 2:00-3:00, Matches Weds 2:00-4:30

Open to all area high school age students (attending any school or home schoolers from Logan and surrounding counties). If you're thinking of playing high school golf anywhere around this area, you should be playing in this league!

Each team is broken down into two-person pairs who play together in games. All games are played in a two-person scramble format. This means that both players in a pair hit drives. The best shot is selected, then each player plays from the selected spot, and this process continues until the ball is holed.

The scramble format is key in allowing everyone to hit shots and contribute to the team. PGA Jr. League utilizes match play scoring, which focuses on performance vs. a score-to-par as is traditional with golf. Within a PGA Jr. League game, pairs play in a head-to-head, 9-hole match. Each match is broken into three flags. Each flag is three holes in a row, and each team has the opportunity to earn points at the end of each flag.

PGA Jr League 13u for incoming 6-7-8 graders*

August 5- Sept 24
Practices Tuesdays 5:30-6:30, Matches Weds 5:00-7:30

Open to all area middle school age students (attending any school or home schoolers from Logan and surrounding counties).
*This program will replace the former Middle School Golf League.

The format will be the same as the high school league above, except pairs will play in a head-to-head, 6-hole match. Each match is broken into three flags. Each flag is two holes in a row, and each team has the opportunity to earn points at the end of each flag.


We are pleased to be able to offer this popular national program at a very reasonable cost. A typical PGA junior league team player in central Ohio pays anywhere from $230 to $460 for a season. We will be offering the program for just $200 per player with $50 of each student’s fee subsidized by sponsor donations, making the cost per player just $150. ($110 of this goes directly to the PGA and includes a personalized team jersey and hat. The remaining amount covers course, range and coaching fees.)

Families are encouraged to take an active role as spectators and volunteers within their local league. Connect with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. regarding these opportunities when you register.


If you'd like to help sponsor this program, we'd love your support: TOP OF OHIO JUNIOR GOLF FOUNDATION or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Order Food: (937) 565-9028

Liberty Hills Golf Club
665 Road 190 West
Bellefontaine, OH 43311